Kamis, 21 Januari 2010

Sometimes the common sense answer is the best for erectile dysfunction

Scientists have developed a number of myths about themselves. They are, in one sense, the new priesthood, expected to bring us new technologies to make our lives simpler, easier and safer. They work away in these laboratories with complicated pieces of equipment lying around. They wear these spotlessly white coats that would show even the slightest stain, were they to be splashed with chemicals from one of their bubbling retorts. They are the new elite who deliver the goods to the front office where ageing managers sign off on advertizing campaigns to sell the latest gadgets and earn their commissions and bonuses. So we grow used to seeing the latest scientific journals full of the reports from these superbeings. They are couched in strange and incomprehensible jargon, accessible only by fellow scientists and other godlike beings. So it comes as something of a shock to see something written in a blunt, no-nonsense style. How can we take this as a serious piece of research when it is so easy to understand what it means?

Well, in this instance, there have been several years of work involved. The scientists started out with a complex hypothesis. They devised different methods for testing the various possible theories. Work began. Data were collected and numbers crunched. Slowly, a pattern emerged in the results. It was a revelation. Used by countless generations, the traditional idiom was proved by the scientific method. "Use it or lose it" was the right answer! Back to the beginning. One of the more obvious facts of life is that, as men age, they become more likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction. A number of different explanations have been offered for this starting with the simple truth that they grow tired and have less energy, to more complicated explanations about the build-up of plaque on the lining of arterial walls.

Now we have this new piece of research. One of the features of ageing is that the opportunity for sexual activity can decline. Couples grow old and get out of the habit. One partner can die leaving the other alone and reluctant to re-enter the dating game. Whatever the reason, some men can go some years without sexual intercourse. It seems that the muscles lose their tone when not used, that the soft spongy tissue inside the penis breaks down and is no longer able to hold as much blood to form the erection. Combined with the tendency of the arterial walls to harden with age and so lose their ability to dilate, and you have a classic recipe for erectile dysfunction. That's before we get to all the psychological problems of performance anxiety likely to affect some men as they approach the possibility of restarting sexual activity.

The evidence from this new research is clear. Men who continue to have regular sex are significantly less likely to suffer erectile dysfunction. Their self-confidence is strong and their bodies still in training. For men who are ageing and with some history of inactivity, the best way forward is by using cialis. Taken as needed about thirty minutes before expected sexual activity, this can boost performance and restore confidence. If there is some embarrassment about the prospect of asking a doctor for a prescription, you can now buy cialis online without the need for a prescription. Your privacy is respected, your reputation safe.

Url : https://hidup-sehat-kita.blogspot.com/2010/01/sometimes-common-sense-answer-is-best.html