Selasa, 13 Oktober 2009

Understand and overcome back pain

According to media reports of mass communication, 8 10 back pain sometime in our lives affect us. This is old news.

Also, pillows, the traditional medical solutions parentheses - Enhanced, extra beds may be trying to stretch, pain relievers, muscle relaxants, massage, outpatient surgery, or other approaches - acupuncture, biofeedback, relaxation Techniques to. After treatment, I hope to live it, these approaches, many people still do not have back pain. As a result of either mental clarity like no one is boring, and the continued reliance on therapy, muscle relaxants.

If there has been nothing so far.

Own experience, perhaps, the traditional treatment is often the only long-term, regular or partial relief - even if his life - need to know and care less productive. However, there is no need to do so.

Use something better - a new discipline in the field of health care: A clinical education of the body. Most of the resort must expect a full recovery in a space of days or weeks clinical education body who has back pain patients.

Education of the mind body concept of clinical education at the master control center in the brain and muscles are not for. Training process in the brain through the heart to rapidly increase the client's freedom of movement and muscle control. Clinical education of the body, the feedback that affects the brain, the difference between the importance of improving the durability of the results of one another is one speed. Change is usually determined, you need professional help more.

Restore the activities of daily living relevant to clinical education of the body.

The new back pain

If education is likely the body, something unusual: It does not weaken the muscles in the back, musclebound - tight and not habits, by disease. Can free yourself by improving your control of your back muscles from your back pain. Relax your back to spasm, a few minutes to relax the movement of the structure for them, every day - you have [fill in the beats paying a therapist of your choice. This statement is, people with degenerative disc disease in people who only pain herniated disc, and applies only to have it. Fundamental cause is the same: the tension of the muscles.

"If that's it," You said, "Why did my doctor (or therapist) is seeking the truth can know about it?"

The answer is that, until recently, the present method is likely to improve muscle control to practical clinical quickly not fast enough. It takes time to spread and gain credibility in the world.

You said, "Though it hurts too serious too soon, or, you might want to get fired back cramp and easily."

It is understandable - but wrong in this situation.

Conventional treatment and back muscle spasms

As conventional treatments are already known, effective and a lot of people is not enough. Most treatments, stretching to strengthen people to work on the muscles and skeletal system or backup problems, please adjust your people. However, we also pulled a muscle bone, the address of the brain controls the action of the muscles of the control center of the brain and muscles do not (the therapist does not), and, since these approaches, you still have problems, or returns. This problem is not in your muscles, your brain is the organ of learning centers such as long-term reflex action reflex.

That's why salvation, the conventional therapeutic approach, given the limited movement back spasm obtained remain subject to re-injury and usually temporary.

Customs and habits of muscular tension that exists as a pattern of brain programming. They have acquired or learned. Habits of tension, in fact, that ignorance is the only way to relearn muscle control, the work of long-term relief for back pain. Your reflexes to the extent that the underlying need to overcome to regain control of back pain and muscle gain is to relax.

Physicians, chiropractors, physical therapists, bodywork, and how to manipulate the main uses bodyworkers. They also, however, common sense and a temporary or partial improvement; treatment is rare.

So, the disease is caused by muscle tension in the muscles of the problem not "heal the operation" was maintained in the brain can not practice. Habit "cure" that can not be changed through training.

Modify 'to understand the strengthening and stretching'

"We will strengthen the lower back pain for" the common idea behind the cashier, so stretching is usually based on a misunderstanding, it is weak because it's not wrong most of the involved muscles, and tired, it relationship between muscle "" In the short term, but you need to stretch the shrinking of misunderstanding, "" relaxation and requires. Sore throat, there is no need to strengthen the muscles, you need to rest and refresh. They do not need to stretch, they need to relax and lengthen.

In order to recover your ability to relax, to regain what you should not be manipulated by someone. Re-learn to relax - in the form of learning, and to reclaim it is requiring a trained professional and probably is.

May be painful muscle spasm back to the top, but the injury for

One is to strengthen the body's automatic reaction to a single injury. Muscle pain in the injured part of most activities, especially skeletal injuries. This is a reaction to protect the body from further injury. And other protective response to the tightening of the muscles of the back in cases where, if necessary one - where the actual damage has occurred, such as ruptured disks, or violent accident. In this situation, do not help any of the education of the body and may require surgery, or create a temporary relief, at least for some surgery, but the unfortunate news, realistic until later.

Have you seen a doctor for back pain, he or she will either need surgery or have you not noticed that. At the end of surgery, desperate resort, and most doctors will recommend it is passive. If the treatment has been submitted for a given drug or surgery to your situation, the means of protection against injury is not cramp your reaction, the problem is not air-conditioned reflex.

The majority of low back pain is not injured. Motor dysfunction back pain alone - habits formed under the stress of tension. This is a "tension" part of the "tense."

Does, why back pain occurs? This may be part of the answer. Let's look at some more detail.

Follow your brain to your muscles. Except for the control of spinal reflexes in an instant (doctor's hammer tap) provides tested its overall story. So, if you have severe, spastic muscles, they are caused by your brain.

The answer is "good news / bad news answer" type. The bad news is your muscles and show control, and is due to your brain! Your brain is not damaged by the amount of memory traps in the history of stress and injury to your right. The good news is you can fix these muscles relax and your brain.

From muscle spasm somewhere?

If people with back pain for most people to notice one thing, exercise your rights if your observation is a high curvature of the spine and shoulders. Touch the muscles of the hips, you'll find the same thing: hard, soft, not weak, flabby muscles contracted muscles.

Main cause of low back pain "is" Lifestyles of the road - driving, driving productivity, on time, respond to every situation. This is a new idea for most people, here is the explanation.

Our Postmodern Life) (physiological development as a response Landau) response known ancient sources (trigger the body to prepare for this reaction occurs in parts, including the tightening of the muscles of the spine (sitting or lying) activities (, standing, sitting, walking, running.) consists of a future relationship to move into action in preparation in the reaction of muscle tension arousal reaction Landau, triggering years of the continuous habits of tension - one, in many cases, the life of current (or stage) outlasts when needed to be.

(Physical therapy taught in general point of view, it is Landau's response should be noted that the maturity is seen in infants temporary developmental response does not persist. However, a mature pattern of muscle movement the same when seen under stress conditions. is enjoying the response seen in infants Landau - shoulders, back, hamstrings into action (tight) get.

Come from the same cause of back pain and many problems

Educator of the body is usually when people muscle test, the pain from the injury is not the finding from overworked muscles, medical problem, have not been damaged or air conditioning problem will often diagnose medical problems. Have air conditioning in the high state of tension in the muscles of his back painfully customers. Most of the time, people are back to training to relax spastic muscles in the brain, can be brought and if the pain does not disappear problems.

Traffic accidents and casualties, but also will cause a reaction of the muscles can become habitual, spastic epidemic in our society back to the back of most of the Landau reaction. This is the result of accumulated stress.

While the Dow Jones can not avoid the reaction of (necessary and appropriate part of life), you're stuck with it to avoid. If you put the state of habitual response to your lifestyle if you are "de", so adjust yourself from it, causing an instantaneous response to the situation only increases the tension, it is not a chronic condition that.

When you try to author, Landau reaction accustom

Back to cramp that most treatments - without knowing it - and you try to de, accustom Landau reaction.

Relaxation techniques associated with the treatment of tension and stress response Landau, hypnosis, massage, skeletal adjustments, electrical stimulation, is included in the final muscle relaxant and (initially) as a pain medication.

Until recently, nothing has improved. Currently, freedom of movement can improve the control of the muscles of the body rapidly clinical education, and physical comfort. Landau reaction when the life of the overloaded and driven enough to interfere with the daily accumulation of tension in getting control of the daily regimen of a particular movement easily. You can keep yourself refreshed.

If you have numbness or numbness of the extremities, your problem is more serious, medical evaluation is required to eliminate a serious condition. Even if, even if you have surgery, muscles must learn to mitigate the cause of the problem first. If your operating conditions, physical education that is probably not in your executable.

06 new ways to side-effects are not reliable accustom Landau reaction used from occasional temporary pain away after one day of the session, the pain to fade in a few days, flexible and comfortable stronger than before and leave.

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