Rabu, 06 Januari 2010

Troubleshooting your sex life

When erection problems come your way, most men usually search in panic for the most effective medication that will help them get the spark back. But not that many think of the causes behind erectile dysfunction and try to dig out the root of the problem. Too bad, because this is just the right way to avoid erection problems altogether and make them milder even if they come. Erection problems are often caused by the overall state of your health and body, and if you want to enjoy a good sexual life for a longer time, here are some things you have to think about doing:

First step: exercise is important

Numerous studies indicate that exercising is directly related to the likelihood of developing impotence at a certain point. Men, who burn more than 200 calories daily by exercising are know to be less prone to erectile dysfunction and their testosterone levels are usually higher then in men who don't exercise. However, there is a word of caution towards those who prefer to use biking as their exercise of choice - men riding bikes are twice as likely to have erection problems as other men. Doctors link this finding with the usual block and tension in the penile area, while riding bikes (both on road and in the gym), which affects blood circulation.

Second step: forget about bad habits and fatty meals

Erection strongly depends on the state of arteries in the penis, as a normal blood circulation will result in a good and stable erection. But with age, men tend to suffer from various blood vessel conditions, the most frequent of which is atherosclerosis. You may not notice it until you are will into your 50's, as it will gradually affect the vessels in your entire body, not only those next to your heart. And that means that the blood circulation in the penile area is likely to be affected by the condition. That's why preventing conditions such as atherosclerosis means you're also preventing erection problems. Here are some things you should do to make sure you are less prone to blood vessel problems:

  • Eat less fatty meals

  • Shed off those extra pounds

  • Quit smoking

Of all things, smoking is probably the most negative factor influencing erection problems. So remember that each cigarette smoked makes your impotence closer and more evident.

Third step: analyze the drugs you are taking

Erection problems can be caused by certain drugs you are currently taking. So make sure to consult with your physician, especially if you are currently taking any of the following groups of drugs:

  • Antidepressants

  • Hypertension treatments

  • Psychosis or anxiety pills

  • Heartburn medications

  • Prostate disease drugs

  • Cholesterol regulators

Substances like alcohol, marijuana and steroids are also known to affect male sexual potency, so make sure you're not abusing the.

Fourth step: choose a treatment

With so many drugs designed for treating male impotence you will surely find what works for you. Drugs like Cialis or Levitra are known to help in the majority of cases, so if you need a little boost, you can easily buy Cialis or any other drug online - thanks to the numerous online pharmacies out there, it has never been easier to do that.

Url : https://hidup-sehat-kita.blogspot.com/2010/01/troubleshooting-your-sex-life.html

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